Feminine Emotions

Holding Your Woman Through the Feminine Emotions

This is a raw subject, and a practice that may take a long time to master. On a personal level I still have much to learn and the growth never stops. Women are powerful, strong, gorgeous and capable of moving the full spectrum of archetypes through their being.

The emotions change with the cycles of the moon and in a conscious relationship you will know when you’ve stepped out of integrity as a man. One moment you may have Mary Magdalene beside you, and in the next you have the wrath of Khali. 
Your woman can be a great reflection of yourself and challenge you to step in to your greatness, presence and King energy. 

Center Yourself in Love

The first step is to find your centre. How quickly can you go from defence and war mode to the centre of your own being. Take a breath and step back from needing to change her or prove that you are right. In daily life, it’s important to have a practice.

This may be a morning practice, meditation practice, some form of embodiment and something you do in your life already that is challenging you. When you practice finding this centre, it will be easier to return to when you meet the waves of feminine emotion in your partner.

Another aspect of centring yourself is to reconnect with love and your own heart. When you are capable of loving yourself, you will be capable of holding your beloved in a loving container, no matter what is coming at you. She will challenge your centre and your heart, and demand from you the energy of the King.

Take Ownership

Taking ownership mean to take full responsibility. How do you feel when you see a leader blame others and external situations for things that are his own responsibility. You may loose trust in them, and question their integrity. We all want a leader that can take ownership of a situation and change what needs to be changed. Being willing to apologise is a big part of this.

Know what you are responsible for and apologise for that part. If that is all of it (because you broke your word and then the trust), apologise for that. If the situation was mostly out of your control, then reflect on what part you can own and apologise for that. Even if that part only is 1%.

Set Boundaries 

Don’t let yourself be walked all over. The wrath of Khali will want to chop off your head. 
Some of the things said and done may not be out of line, but every now and then the things said and done are over the line.

As a king you set your boundaries, you let her know that crossing boundaries is not ok, and you don’t ever want to hear this again. In the waves of emotional energy this may take some practice and time to learn. Especially if you don’t know your own boundaries.

‘I don't ever want my character to be assassinated.’ ‘I don’t ever want my most sacred, painful or vulnerable parts to be brought into the emotional waves when it’s out of context.’ Etc.. 


Remember why you are in relationship. What you love about her, and your commitment to each other. Get present and hear her pain. And through it all hold her in love. Reconnect on all levels. Through words and emotional comfort, through physical connection and through your mission together as souls doing this journey together. Keep loving until you feel more reconnected than you did before.


Masculine Frame


The Teachings of Oak